Multiple Badge Screens Template
Role: Lead UX Design
Client: Sky Sports News
Create a design system where multiple frames with same information but different screen resolutions are rendered in one go.
Being a Designer at Sky Sports News is as challenging as rewarding. One of the biggest challenges is balancing project work with day to day production of graphics in a fast paced environment.
One of the tedious tasks was saving badges on 32 screens one by one using respective photoshop files for each. This took a chunk of time away which could be spent of project work or bespoke graphics.
To ease from the tedious task of rendering different frames with the same badges I looked into how we could utilise Adobe for more that creating cool designs.
To understand the problem I used the current work flow for research and potential discovery.
Easy! Now do the same thing 32 times…
For better grasp on the problem I created a user flow map to identify the level of complexity and repetition in more detail after the current workflow.
Competitive Audit
Compiling Frames Data
Main Frames
•Large Badge
•Small Badge
•Quad 4 Badges
•Full frame (FF)
•Phono Left
•Phono Right