Multiple Badge Screens Template

Role: Lead UX Design
Client: Sky Sports News



Create a design system where multiple frames with same information but different screen resolutions are rendered in one go.


Being a Designer at Sky Sports News is as challenging as rewarding. One of the biggest challenges is balancing project work with day to day production of graphics in a fast paced environment.

One of the tedious tasks was saving badges on 32 screens one by one using respective photoshop files for each. This took a chunk of time away which could be spent of project work or bespoke graphics.


To ease from the tedious task of rendering different frames with the same badges I looked into how we could utilise Adobe for more that creating cool designs.


To understand the problem I used the current work flow for research and potential discovery.

Easy! Now do the same thing 32 times…

For better grasp on the problem I created a user flow map to identify the level of complexity and repetition in more detail after the current workflow.

Competitive Audit

Competitors Analysis

With a better understanding of the current work flow the next step I took was having a comprehensive competitor analysis in which I recorded potential software that could replace and improve it while also looking at the possibility of using the current software and improving it’s current work flow.

Compiling Frames Data

Main Frames

•Large Badge

•Small Badge

•Quad 4 Badges

•Full frame (FF)



•Phono Left

•Phono Right



Background Gradients & Image Guides

Final Product

End Result

After much reiteration this eventually the design system was created within After Effects. Initially photoshop was the preferred method as it was the most used software by the Designers, however, launching the software with all the embedded smart objects in multiple frames caused severe delays while in After Effects the launch time was much shorter. The other reason Photoshop was initially the preferred method was due to their internal batch renaming feature, however, this was overcome using Adobe Bridge as an extension for batch renaming files in PC.